and buckets of reserve. Her family had grown reserve in Virginia for generations and she was a true harvest. Sho smiled at her imagery. Occasionally she had pangs about various unfortunate things, including her marriage, but she kept them rare. She had a simple design for life which made rarity of thought quite possible and desirable. It was, of course, that life was a rather simple but endurable boro. Moreover, she had everything splendidly under control; she was able to prohibit at will whatever unpleasant or rebellious thoughts that occurred to her. She had cultivated that as her family had cultivated re-


She looked again to the lovely one in the center of the floor who was singing something a little more lively. Her arms had come down from the air and were moving about in front of her in rhythym to the song. Konnie studie d the brown skin for several seconds before it occurred to her that she was admiring it. Whatever must it be like to wander about looking perfectly suntouched all the time? She suddenly giggled aloud. It was so wild, the things one might think privately. She took another drink and the images tumbled down easily from the reaches of her mind that were still full of adolescent fantasy:

Egyptian que ens...striding along mammoth corridor s in the temples (or palaces or whatever the hell they usually strode along) graceful the way only que ens could be (one was taught!) some thing white and tight and gathered at the hips with those long pleats hanging down to the golden sandal tops (or was that simply a movie vision of a brown painted Vivian Leigh from a later time? Heavens!) Her mind lingered a moment with Vivian Leigh......... Anyhow Egyptian que ons...very young, very supple and very beautiful with the stiff black hair hidden under those curiously attractive head dresses as on all those vases and ghings...Cleopatra? not Cleopatra, she was Greek or something. particular que on would be darker like the Nile without moonlight; with high cheek bones and






(Continued on page 20)